Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Otter vs Walrus

The Walrus. Of the Marine Mammals, it is widely looked upon as the most evil. The most feared. The most racist. They eat penguins (I think) and have big scary tusks. They look like the animal equivalent of a slave plantation owner. Thankfully, the owners of this Sea Otter are aware that when their little otter grows up and wants to move out, it just may find itself up against one of these old men. This video is great. It may go on a little too long for some you ADHD animal internet video watchers, but *spoiler alert* if you watch long enough, another otter will appear

Oh, and don't think Walruses are all that bad?


1 comment:

  1. The otter video is beyond cute, I couldnt bring myself to watch the walrus...
